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Licence To Queer covers queer aspects of Bond books, video games and more. Search here for your favourite titles and characters or find content related to particular queer identities (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, etc).
Sneaky Bond
The scenes where Bond sneaks around places - hotels, enemy bases, even his boss’s house - are highlights of the series. What is about them that makes them tick - and our hearts race? Do we experience these episodes differently if we have reasons to feel fearful in our own lives? How much is the music responsible for their effectiveness? And what are Licence To Queer readers’ favourite sneaky scenes?
The enduring appeal of Arnold's aurally androgynous Bond scores
No one integrates the masculine and feminine qualities of James Bond into the music as well as David Arnold. Is that why we keep wanting him back?
Queer re-view: Quantum of Solace
An unsettling and emotionally truthful queer parable, the direct continuation of Casino Royale teaches us that finding ourselves is a painful ongoing process, not a one off event. The film delivers its lesson like a brick through a plate glass window. Cutting quickly (too quickly for many) and deeply (Octopussy this ain't!), most of the svelte running time is a setup for a showdown with Bond's most persistent and insidious enemy: himself.
Hear my love letter to the music of Casino Royale on the latest episode of The Scores Are Not Enough.