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Licence To Queer covers queer aspects of Bond books, video games and more. Search here for your favourite titles and characters or find content related to particular queer identities (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, etc).
“Keep the fruit”: mixing up Felix Leiter’s masculinity
The line didn’t exist in the earlier drafts of Casino Royale. Is it just a throwaway quip or something more revealing of Felix’s character?
Please drink Risico-ly: stiff drinks and manliness in Fleming’s booziest short story
No sooner has Bond arrived in Venice than he’s hitting the watering holes. Bond works his way up from a favourite haunt of Ernest Hemingway to the finest the floating city has to offer. And then the real drinking begins. But what do the drinks that Bond chooses reveal about him as a man?
What if we reframed the whole of the Bond franchise as the story of a man just trying to get a good night’s rest? Lifelong insomniac David Lowbridge-Ellis gets under the covers with 007 to explore when he sleeps, if he’s really the early riser he claims to be and why we should be concerned about his dreams.