For England, James

A showcase for English sparkling wine (which is better than Champagne right now, IMHO). This is what Alec Trevelyan would drink on his armoured train. Tates like strawberries…

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Fill a gin balloon with crushed ice and 3 quartered strawberries

Pour in

50ml Lakes Distillery rosehip and rhubarb gin liqueur
20ml elderflower liqueur
20ml lemon juice

Give everything a stir

Serve with a shot of English sparkling wine* and garnish with a memento from Q branch.

Set timers for 006 minutes.

*Due to global warming, some English sparkling wine is now on a par - or several notches above - Champagne. Some experts predict that in not too many years, the Champagne region of France will be too warm to make the famous drink, making the South of England the premiere terroire for sparkling wine production.

Our preferred brand is Morrison’s own. It’s only £18-25 a bottle and better than most of the big brands of Champagne which cost twice the price.


Welcome to Scotland


Dominic Greene’s last meal (aka Blood & Sand & Oil)