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"Drink up, James! Drink up!”
At last the plum pudding arrived, flaming traditionally.

- Fleming's On Her Majesty's Secret Service

When Bond goes around M's gaff (named Quarterdeck) for Christmas dinner he has to put up with the traditions of the season - including plum pudding.

This cocktail came about because we had some spiced plum and clementine gin given to us at Chrimbo and rather than leave it for next Christmas we thought we'd try it in a Martini. It's a bit sweet by itself but it sings with white vermouth and vodka.

2 measures spiced plum and clementine gin (you should be able to find it in Aldi)
1 measure vodka
1/2 measure white vermouth

Stir over large ice. Strain. Garnish with whatever you have leftover from Christmas (glacé cherries in our case).

It's flaming good, whatever the time of year.

Credit for the name: husband


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